Refunds and Returns Policy

At XFORT we want you to be happy with your order. If for any reason you are unhappy with the items you have purchased or you simply don’t need them anymore just return them to us in their original condition and packaging within 30 days and we’ll either replace them or offer a full refund. Returns will be accepted and credited with the following conditions:

  1. The buyer may return any faulty or damaged goods to us within 30 days of the original invoice date at no cost to the buyer.
  2. All goods must be returned in their original packaging and in a re-sellable condition. Goods that are returned in an unsellable condition may result in a refusal to credit.
  3. Any unwanted or surplus products may also be returned to us within 30 days without a handling charge provided they are in a resellable condition.
  4. The seller will refund by the same method that was used to purchase the goods. Refunds may take up to 2 weeks to process from the date that goods have been sent back.
  5. The buyer may cancel their order by giving the seller notice of cancellation at a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to despatch. Such notice can be given by phone or email.
  6. If you request to cancel your order for whatever reason, after your order has been despatched, please follow the XFORT return procedures.

There are two methods to return goods to us, by Collect + or Royal mail. Once you have requested a return, you will receive a returns label that will need to be attached to the original packaging that the goods arrived in. The buyer will have 14 days from receiving the returns label to process their return. If approved, you’ll be automatically refunded on your original payment method within 10 business days. Please remember it can take some time for your bank or credit card company to process and post the refund too.